Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Save the Dates, Addresses, and Spreadsheets, we're geeks!

Kosh and I spent a good 6 hours perfecting the layout of our save the dates on Sunday. After messing quite a bit with the fonts to get them just so, there are no less than four in one little postcard. I'm really glad I'm getting married to someone who cares about this aspect of things as much as me. We actually wrote out 1-10 in 7 or 8 different fonts to find the best one. Then there was the kerning...

I made the graphics for the border, it's a quick and dirty psuedo deco design, seriously ridonkulously easy. The real challenge was that open text wasn't dealing with the image the same way word does. After much fussing, we finally made it transparent and in the background.

Next I have to get the template off of the office depot website, because the postcards are a slightly off size, so I can't just assume an 8.5x11 divided in 4 will fit.

Oh, did I mention that Kosh bought us an awesome 5 in 1 printer, fax, copier, scanner, toaster? I think it reads to the blind and balances your checkbook too.

Last night and today has been Google spreadsheet fun. We won't use Microsoft products, oh no we won't! It's particularly awesome because we can share the spreadsheet online, and work with it wherever we are, so if I have addresses in email, it's not a big deal to add a few on a break.

Speaking of addresses, next up: wrangling the info from my mom and other various family members. It's not that hard, peeps! Just a street and zip! I can do the rest.